- Anti-urban pro-suburban sprawl policy from Obama's FHA ??? http://is.gd/2VQue
- Thoughts on developing better collective immunity to bullshit [blogged]: http://is.gd/2Voai
- RT @Daniel_Baylis The video of the great Montreal bagel giveaway... http://tinyurl.com/mp6pev
- No one should die because they cannot afford health care; no one should go broke because they get sick. RT if you agree. http://is.gd/2T6YN
- RT @BoraZ via @LeeBillings Seed Q&A w/ Stewart Brand on why traditional environmentalism won't fix Earth: http://bit.ly/ywcOM Don't miss!
- Fancy Fast Food. They aren't kidding, either. http://www.fancyfastfood.com/
- RT @TheOilDrum @TheCostOfEnergy BP’s find, peak oil, and you http://bit.ly/EdQbO [cold water on BP's new oil find] Good piece Lou!
- @thingsbreak Sorry to have a disagreement. I would like to know what you mean by accommodationism. See blog comments http://is.gd/2MFlH
- Woohoo! 140 characters on the first try!
- There are advocates aplenty on both sides. What we need is a revitalization of communication between science and society. http://is.gd/2EJSi
- @KHayhoe thanks for DM; can't reciprocate unless you follow me. Watch your email for invite to mailing list. I blog here: http://is.gd/2Eern
- RT @zumayabooks RT @DaysInnAustin: Twitter accounts every Austinite should know http://3.ly/t46 #Austin #ATX
- @tweetingdonal no idea; report is not informative. Here is a good place to start on the carbon cycle perturbation issue: http://is.gd/2BT6t
- Search SciAm for michael tobis, get offered "michael tobias". Search for "michael tobis" w quotes, get offered "michael biscuit".
- @gmusser trying to find your article on "consensus" from SciAm site and failing. Search SciAm site for "george musser": interesting result.
- Searched for "george musser" on Scientificamerican.com & got: Your search ... resulted in 0 documents. Did you mean "category mosquito"?
- @pogue's twitter book may be the funniest single book ever published. Thanks for including me!
- RT @Texaplex It was so hot in Austin today I saw a dog chasin' a rabbit and they were both walkin'
- Ed Maibach talks in DC tomorrow re #climatechange outreach. (via @jfleck) Wish somebody would blog it. http://is.gd/2x5YE
- NYTimes editorial supporting national security arguments for restraining CO2 emissions http://is.gd/2tQWP #climatechange h/t Joe Romm
- @emptywheel nice comment re reporters & liberals; what about conservatives in your opinion?
- RT @emptywheel Reporters and liberals are both advocates for their own epistemology.
- No need to love Greenpeace (I don't) to be bothered by the echo chamber lie about them, started by a BBC interviewer http://is.gd/2tLvI
- Toxic discourse: Making mountains of molehills that don't even exist. Greenpeace Greenland kerfuffle blogged: http://is.gd/2ssrH
- RT @EnergyCollectiv Geoff Styles defends tar sands pipeline http://bit.ly/28uhB4
- Evidence the science journal system is broken: "How to Publish a Scientific Comment in 1 2 3 Easy Steps" http://is.gd/2qB5J
- Boycott of Whole Foods because you (and I) don't agree with Mackey's opinions is an ugly, polarizing idea. Blogged: http://is.gd/2oNsA
- 13 national science academies joint stmt: essential world leaders agree on emission reductions http://is.gd/2oyGS h/t @thingsbreak via email
- Brilliant, clear explanation by Tamino of the evidence in observational record supporting human-caused global warming http://is.gd/2lLAB
- Big #climatechange story @YaleE360 Large Plumes of Methane Discovered Off Spitsbergen in Arctic http://bit.ly/iCWiV Big, big badaboom story.
- RT @ianbicking healthcare system is individually moral and rational while systemically immoral and irrational-similar to many fucked systems
- thanks to @thingsbreak for pointing to "James Fallows explains how the media enables liars" http://is.gd/2jgr9 journalists take note PLEASE!
- I saw TX official tell a public meeting 8/7: TX natl gas prod'n has NEVER impacted groundwater, no need for feds. But http://is.gd/2j7KD !
- @PA32R usually I agree but that was a ROFL moment for me
- Maher: Obama's B-ball said I'm urban & athletic & hip & a team player; golf says I like Lipitor and white collar crime. http://is.gd/2iue0
- @350 I've never understood how y'all propose to run CO2 history in fast reverse. Is there a quantitative plan for getting from 400 to 350?
- Wonder why economically viable oil and gas fields are called "plays". e.g. http://is.gd/2gXrI People who get $ think it's all fun & games?
- @NOConsensus : several errors of substance in your last linked article. Do you care whether what you link to is true?
- Web 2.0 for Planet 3.0? Requesting commentary on initiative to improve connections between science and society. http://is.gd/2gVlM
- Saw perfect 4 ft wingspan hawk by my house! Cool huh? Small-house urban nbhd 3 mi from TX Capitol. Drought refugee I guess. #atx #water
- NYTimes tracks a false rumor to original lie. http://bit.ly/w8yKA See, @revkin , it can be done, this is what we need on climate nonsense.
- Finally some spine from the media. CNN tells it like it is on ridiculous euthanasia story. Via TPM: http://is.gd/2g460
- Healthcare & decline of discourse: Instead of arguments unrelated to reality, arguments that are the opposite of reality. http://is.gd/2fL4C
- @thecostofenergy Lou! Thanks for the support! Conversation on the article has been vigorous & I'd welcome more input from you.
- @cmcavoy second best would be if it backfired badly
- @cmcavoy Obviously need tighter control of the meetings in case teabaggers show up, but my real preference is for them 2b civilized
- via @BoraZ http://bit.ly/l2NXL good anti-MSM rant: "Serve the community. Don't publish crap. Tell folks stuff they might not want to hear."
- If disruptive tactics work as claimed in http://is.gd/2fCvT then public discourse on serious issues is only going to continue to decline.
- Very dangerous. USAToday: by 3-2 margin townhall protests make independents more sympathetic to bill opponents. http://is.gd/2fCvT
- +1 RT @abhishektiwari Do academic journals pose a threat to the advancement of science? http://ff.im/6yB8U (also, fire the headline writer)
- RT @EnergyCollectiv reprints my "End-Times and the Anti-Morano" http://bit.ly/vvusM
- #NN09 #climate Don't miss Lou Grinzo's response on my article athttp://is.gd/2eBun "Coordination is needed." Good thought.
- @kgrandia @plutoniumpage suggests I point you at http://is.gd/2eBun Relevant to your panel. Wish I were there.
- #NN09 #climatechange re web2.0 vs propaganda Please see my blog at http://is.gd/2eBun . Looking for a modestly funded way to contribute.
- @dcarli They did claim they can recover and distill most water they use. Also claimed it is about 1% of TX water use, will stay under 5%
- @dcarli Funny they didn't mention the benzene at the conference last week. Shale nat'l gas a big trend; needs attention.
- RT @dcarli Water use for drilling & "fracing" active wells in the Barnett Shale equates to annual average water use for ~185,000 households
- To @plutoniumpage happy you found your laptop. Wish I could be at climate panel, as I ask relevant q's in my blog today. http://is.gd/2eBun
- Why are efforts to promote climate science over misinfo ineffective? What can be done? Can web 2.0 help? blogged: http://is.gd/2eBun
- The pythonista's complaint: RT @nabicht I miss programming -- I was really hoping that would take longer
- @blogger is hosed . They are "aware and working on a fix right now".
- So who should print it? RT @DonBlankenship When citizens print money it's “counterfeiting”. When government prints money it’s “stimulating”.
- Glad Kloor thinks me thoughtful, but I don't welcome hordes of denialists on my blog; makes discussion redundant, dull. http://is.gd/2dDRU
- Far as I know, the closest @revkin has ever come to acknowledging my existence (grumble): http://is.gd/2dDRU Interesting q at issue though.
- RT @MattGlazer via @byjayroot TX Gov. Perry claims residency in two cities, may pay tax refund for homestead exemption in College Station.
- Mackey in WSJ: plausible alternative to D health bill. Why don't opposition go w that instead of lying and fearmongering? http://is.gd/2cxoC
- RT @cshirky: @Rushkoff on @Edge: "To treat the market as nature...is to deny ourselves access to its ongoing redesign." http://bit.ly/c8sex
- @thingsbreak Um, why me on that MBA question?
- RT @GregMitch (& others): Loudest boos of @clairemc when she says "I believe global warming is real." -> There's an alternate news universe.
- Cool. Picked up @theAGU as follower! See several other worthies on their follow list. Nice place to look for serious earth science twitfolk.
- Hrynyshyn: Canadians recognize attacks on their health insurance system as fictitious. Can this help them understand climate denialism?
- James Hrynyshyn ("The Island of Doubt" blog) also notes similarity betw town-hall disrupters' & climate deniers' tactics http://is.gd/2aPch
- RT @TexasObserver Doggett Bests the “Teabaggers” http://bit.ly/12djDn
- Clim Depot spins a massive mirage of scientific contention re climate change. I gripe here: http://bit.ly/UGGX9
- @PA32R I'll read whatever you submit & if I don't like it for blog I'll let you know. I only purge rude or stupid or insane or spam usually
- @PA32R Wonder if you are paying for improved health care or for financial shenanigans in the home office in Connecticut?
- @PA32R Ordinarily I'd advise show up at your congressman's town hall meeting to advance interests of small close-held employers. But...
- @PA32R I read every comment w/ "Canad" in it. #3 is answered in #44 and #90. There are strong confounding factors in culture & econo
- @PA32R "but is the point correct or incorrect": which point? ID comment no please.
- @PA32R Looked. I guessed wrong. All the comments about Canada seem non-fake up to & including #96, which is the last one so far. Agree #90.
- @PA32R 5 will get you 10 this writer is every bit as Canadian as "Leonard Euler" is a PhD and bill's "end of life consulting" is euthanasia.
- Always struck me odd how the US w/"benefits", supposed to be the most entrepreneurial society, penalizes risk, vs countries w/"health plan".
- Job related "benefits" a key cause of American decline. Ask GM, too.
- @PA32R U don't know lots of smart, creative people holding onto disliked jobs better suited for younger people only to hang onto "benefits"?
- +1 Arthur Benjamin's formula for changing math education: short TED talk. http://bit.ly/a2tvX h/t @danwhnt
- RT @dangillmor Another reason to fix US health system -- current system blocks entrepreneurship among over-40 crowd http://bit.ly/hPJpn
- #followfriday Some zen heroes rediscovered on Twitter @ZenBastard @billmckibben @DougCoupland @johnperrybarlow @psaffo @bruces @hrheingold
- @dcarli and @PA32R yes, I mentioned Yudkowsky's singularity hangup in my blog homage http://is.gd/27ktT , but he is wicked smart anyway.
- "Surrender to the truth as quickly as you can". RT @dcarli "The Twelve Virtues of Rationality" by Eliezer Yudkowsky http://tr.im/vXIp
- I lost a complaining follower for burst of a dozen tweets this morning, but check what @owillis has come up with in the last hour!
- Swag bag has "clean coal technology for Texas" logo. Will have to keep it at worksite. Still. CCS had better work! Koonin says CCS or nukes.
- Geologist asks why CCS unrepresented in future net C emissions scenarios. Speakers ducked Q.
- Young S Asian woman says environmental imperialism charge is getting traction in developing countries. Koonin replies think global.
- Gleick like Koonin ends up at equity vs growth
- Human water needs not a scarcity problem but industrial and big ag demand reaching limits
- Water works largest energy consumer in California
- Saving the very poorest not a huge technical or financial problem just politics and will
- Peter Gleick tells similar water story. Globally 2 bn lack safe drinking ware and or sanitation. Meanwhile profligate use in west esp'ly USA
- Busines needs price predictability
- For CO2 go after stationary sources
- Battery tech crucial for transport
- Per capita oil imports $1k per cap per yr
- Greenhouse problem dominates non transport energy supply dominates transport. Koonin says think about these separately.
- Koonin doesn't think oil production will crash soon but most reserves in problematic countries. Oil issue is transportation.
- 2 bn people enrgy poor can't cook or light not expensive to fix
- If world consumes at present US level total consumption is 6x present without any further growth in US
- DOE undersec Koonin says 2 kinds of sustainability. 2nd kind is sustainability of US consuming more than others
- Waxman wants federal regs for this tech but TX commisioner (pleasant fellow speaking) opposed claims zero historical groundwater impact
- Energy water mtg: TX natural gas production new tech very promising except waste water disposal. Redistillation feasible
- http://bit.ly/oS1hH Swiss town committed to pray for glacier retreat but program too successful. Petition Pope for polarity change on prayer
- RT @mims stuff scientists tell me off the record suggest science is a much more human (fraught) enterprise than it appears from the outside.
- Quoth @krugman "Now it seems that a fact isn’t worth reporting unless someone is prepared to deny it." http://is.gd/25rjs h/t @thingsbreak
- RT @johnperrybarlow Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. - John Nichols
- Injecting noise into the political process as a tactic: http://tinyurl.com/ljvu53
- Ethan L.: "How long a project will take: 1.5 x (What it should take) ; if people with PhD's are involved, change the factor of 1.5 to 27."
- RT @newsycombinator A libertarian socialist engineer solves the financial crisis http://bit.ly/16mSKr
- Free air olivine carbon sequestration shot down: requires ~ ton fine dust per per capita/year spread on beaches. http://is.gd/22DwD :-(
- RT @algore Warmest seas on record. http://bit.ly/7CmmV
- via @thingsbreak Yglesias http://bit.ly/buCud links to nice Guardian book review http://is.gd/21tP7 on "More Equal Societies do Better"
- RT @EnergyCollectiv The CO2 Countdown Clock http://bit.ly/dj6Dz excellent idea from Lou Grinzo
- RT @sevinfo RT @PediatricInc : Canadian doc diagnoses U.S. #healthcare http://bit.ly/11ePJb (single payer advocated)
- Are fish a nonnegligible factor in physical oceanography? Maybe! http://bit.ly/aDqY2 h/t @Eaterofsun
- @mariondelgado I haven't the sightest idea what you are talking about
- Hottest calendar month in recorded history of Austin TX. Hey @ClimateDepot , equal time for warm anomalies? blogged: http://is.gd/1YeJD
- The U.S. currently has enough surplus housing to put the entire population of the UK, with room left over for Israel according to @pkedrosky
- via @bruces : "The ruins of the unsustainable are the 21st century's frontier." http://is.gd/1XZmK
- Why are anti-IPCC folk suddenly obsessed with satellite vs surface data? A completely bogus graph maybe reason. Blogged: http://is.gd/1XW83
- Rudy Baum, who told the truth about climate change, is no lefty. Thinks open access science is suspiciously socialistic. http://is.gd/1UGre
- @drgrist says: If you believe climate mainstream, it is incoherent & immoral to act as if merely a clash of interests. http://is.gd/1UFvS
- Editor of Chem + Eng News is in trouble for telling the truth about the climate debate. Blogged: http://is.gd/1Uw5y
- @muttleylax where do you get your non-facts? realclimate.org is a website, nothing more, and can't possibly predate the web.
- RT @EnergyCollectiv carries my End Times Thinking and the Locavore Fallacy http://bit.ly/KDI21 (Thanks if u visit there & hit retweet link)
- Do energy price increases imply food supply localizes? No. Water becomes more local, so arid places import food. Blogged: http://is.gd/1S8nA
- Obama: I got a letter the other day from a woman; she said, "I don’t want socialized medicine, and don’t touch my Medicare." (rt @markosm )
- @mariondelgado 108 F in Eugene OR? Officially? Isn't that a bit unusual?
- @johndcook Check SQLonRails http://is.gd/1RWZH
- Open thread for @muttleylax and Muttleyphiles http://is.gd/1RCwQ
- @muttleylax Risking boring my subscribers, signing off. Take this up on my blog if you want.
- @muttleylax Sure, off the top of my head IPCC TAR WGI report cites Lindzen to my knowledge. http://is.gd/1RBvd
- @muttleylax Spencer has challenged Hansen to a debate? Anyone who thinks a public debate is the place to resolve this is no scientist.
- @muttleylax Scientists have listened to them for 20 yrs. Mostly a waste of time. Most likely reason for consistent failure: they are wrong.
- @muttleylax I don't feel competent to advise Gore or compelled to defend him. I'm willing to discuss science w you, not politics.
- @muttleylax Hansen should not debate science with pseudoscientists. Scientists should not share stage w/ advocacy.
- @ianbicking people who put more faith in economics than in climatology should compare respective model fidelity to the real world.
- @muttleylax that's why all the groups supporting IPCC important; goes far beyond climatology. NAS, AAAS, Royal Soc have no horse in race.
- @muttleylax Stipulated. I concur: herd mentality is a risk w/ consensus. I apply it to economics. More mature sciences are less at risk.
- @ianbicking on the other hand http://is.gd/1Rygw
- @ianbicking Thing 4: Success of climate models in reproducing existing climate is much too strong to be coincidental. http://is.gd/1Ryc5
- @ianbicking Thing 3: Climatology has some good near-complete datasets for last 50 years, extensive evidence on longer time scales.
- @ianbicking Thing 2: Many sciences not experimental: geology, ecology, astrophysics. Coherence tests remain possible, hypotheses may fail.
- @ianbicking Thing 1: Unlike climo, economics has no basis in physical science. Climo fundamentals are tested physics.
- Interesting memes show up in debates like this. Confusion of climatology w/ other disciplines a very common feature. Demand for "proof".
- http://is.gd/1RwML like the other link @muttleylax rejects, contains links to huge majority of professional science orgs which back IPCC
- @muttleylax , but tweets, like blogs, are just one person's opinion, too. So why discuss at all? Let's let the AAAS decide the question.
- @muttleylax wants me to discuss http://is.gd/1RiM2 as if that had something to do with climate science. It's some NYU geopolitics essay.
- @muttleylax DFID is an agency of the UK, not the UN. Blogs can have detailed reasoning, twitter not. I do not understand your restriction.
- @muttleylax "blogs don't help" but want to discuss on twitter? I'm confused. Thanks 4 white paper link, but diff betw white paper and blog?
- The fact that opposition to climate consensus is mostly "conservative" shows that the whole discussion is unhinged from evidence.
- Public wonders which are the real scientists, who is lying, who stands to benefit, where is the middle ground. Doesn't understand science.
- Questions among geophysicists at meetings, lunches: Anthropogenic climate change - how fast, how much, what are implications, how to avoid.
- Disbelief in climate consensus: explicit strategy decision by republican politicians documented at http://is.gd/1R5ml @muttleylax
- Evidence of consensus on anthropogenic climate change for people who think there isn't one: http://is.gd/1R4SJ attn @muttleylax
- RT @AlexSteffen Dear future people: sorry 'bout our U.S. Congress + that whole "melting the ice caps" thing. Hope you like your new beaches!
- Irene read book, suggests a 3:1 ratio of happy:sad speech for mental health. I replied "Kittens, snowflakes, rainbows and we're all doomed!"
- #ATX Need an HVAC person in Austin. Any recommendations?
- RT @AlexSteffen: More Americans are killed by cars when walking or biking than die b/c of drugs and violence. Where's the war on cars?
- @muttleylax If you thought I were misleading then that would be a reasonable conclusion. But I am not. The paper is not remotely coherent.
- @muttleylax Since the paper just came out yesterday,how could there be any contrary publications in the lit? No, just logic is all. Sorry.
- @muttleylax that is CNS News, not CBS News; something of a difference there.
- Is the anti-IPCC crowd making a revealing mistake embracing El Nino as cause of global warming paper? Yes. Blogged: http://is.gd/1KJoq
- How will "it's the sun stupid" people respond to "it's El Nino" argument re warming. If scientific, they'll oppose; if political, embrace.
- RT @NOconsensus "New peer-reviewed study links 80% of global temperature changes El Nino forces" (Yes but it's nonsense http://is.gd/1KCvR )
- #followfriday My celebrity list: @BrentSpiner (Data on TNG. Or not?) A Twitter artiste. And @stcookie brightens any feed. Ginger snap?
- @jayrosen_nyu Authenticating may prevent a faker from pretending to be you, but they'd better be really interesting or nobody will care.
- @jayrosen_nyu Shakespeare's plays weren't written by Shakespeare but by someone else with the same name.
- RT @JohnDCook A little confusion is a good thing. http://bit.ly/OYpGU
- RT @EnergyCollectiv "Surprising Conclusions from Unsurprising Results" or "Why do Witches Burn?" http://u.mavrev.com/t9mf
- @mibi OK, found it. But it isn't in the index of Departments.
- RT @jorge_salazar "apologies, only in some parts of North Pacific @mtobis: RT Plastic outweighs plankton in ocean six-to-one." Still...
- @mibi What happened to the Department of Energy? http://is.gd/1J6XD
- Let's play "spot the climate sciences"! http://www.wallstats.com/de...
- Yikes! RT @jorge_salazar RT @douglasabrams Plastic outweighs plankton in the ocean six-to-one. http://snipurl.com/nsnhi
- RT @thingsbreak Lomborg, 1863: Mr. Lincoln's so-called "Emancipation" will improve global freedom by 0.3% while costing $ billions.
- Climate science and monopsony: the conspiracy theory. Blogged: http://is.gd/1Ilhn Think tanks? I need a drink, thanks.
- A literate #climate model in #Python? blogged: http://is.gd/1HTzN
- Water shortage reporting site "Circle of Blue": not sure about business model, but presentation model impresses me. http://is.gd/1HDUb
- Politics by fake flow chart: http://is.gd/1GOYh http://is.gd/1GOZO Any hope anybody will notice these charts represent exactly nothing?
- http://is.gd/1GNBV Gas $6.77/gal in Germany but daily life not so far beyond the pale of American experience as to frighten small children.
- RT @kate_sheppard "Schools foster climate illiteracy. http://is.gd/1FkMI " If this is the best we can do in OR, what will TX books say?
- People who are not from Quebec find this funny for some strange reason: http://is.gd/1ETS4
- @PA32R Boss humor. Heh. How many people would you assign that to? Seriously? Weird example. Corregio very cool though: http://is.gd/1ESV4
- @PA32R Document "Johnson said let's pay people not to work"? Doubt it. I have started to appreciate LBJ. But arguments are not for Twitter.
- @PA32R Time we had an argument. I am good old fashioned big government tax & spend liberal. Many disagreements w/ your public transit link.
- It's such a shame the Great Society got forgotten. If it weren't for Viet Nam, maybe Texas would have led the world into a new prosperity.
- In a collapse Texas will look like Afghanistan so fast it'll spin your head. Overpopulated, armed, thirsty, mean religious fanatics.
- Liked e360:"The Limits of Climate Models" despite inevitable misrepresentation as showing no cause for concern about CO2. http://is.gd/1EKPU
- @arthursmith you are two for two this weekend, thanks!
- RT @timoreilly Reversible transactions. A great idea for solving the financial crisis, inspired by recent Kindle news. http://bit.ly/9zieq
- unix: is there a maximum directory nest depth? does this sequence of legal filenames terminate? ~/1 ~/1/2 ... ~/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11 ...
- "Welcome to Canada!" says GOP snarkily, holding up a complicated chart. http://is.gd/1DsmL But what does that chart say? http://is.gd/1Dsu6
- RIP Walter Cronkite "Is patriotism simply agreeing unquestioningly with every action of one's government?" http://is.gd/1CUFg
- RT @1txsage1957: High-ranking insurance PR flack defects, explains dirty tricks used to fight universal healthcare http://is.gd/1B2P9
- #followfriday @YCombinator (info technology) @TheCityFix (urban planning) @EnergyCollectiv & @TheOilDrum (energy) @KickButtCoffee (caffeine)
- Why scientists should tweet more, my version: http://is.gd/1CAyQ
- Anyone, what's the relaxation time constant for ocean acidification due to a CO2 perturbation? biogeochemistry ocean acidification
- RT @DonBlankenship "Which worries you most – controlling emissions or controlling government?" -> Which to avoid: bullets or bayonets? Both?
- @jfleck I really don't get the cornflake thing. http://is.gd/1CgWt
- +1 RT @ommachi Weather is affected (more) by fluid mechanics, Climate by (radiation) heat transfer. A career in Climate seems easier :)
- RT @jayrosen_nyu Why scientists might want to Twitter. Send to a skeptical friend. http://tr.im/sNcA via @BoraZ (Or wait for my take on it.)
- @amgamble There is one big silly straw man at the core of the Armstrong piece http://is.gd/1BoqF . Examined on blog: http://is.gd/1Boo8
- @DonBlankenship missed the opening act. It began "we the people..."
- e.g. RT @DonBlankenship What should Americans be concerned about – “their use of coal” or “their government’s use of them”?
- @DonBlankenship a Big Coal CEO, thinks climate change is green extremism writ large. Says weird stuff; would be funny but for consequences.
- Big is beautiful! http://is.gd/1B9w1
- Mr. "forecasting principles" (S Armstrong) demolishes a global warming strawman in Financial Post. Spot the trick! http://is.gd/1B6Xg
- RT @SunFoundation: Huge. Check out newest from @sunlightlabs --we're creating a Natl Data Catalog http://bit.ly/datacatalog ( via @gfriend )
- Greenfyre's has an excellent summary of the so-called "suppressed EPA report" debacle http://is.gd/1A3RM
- Andrew Sullivan ( @dailydish ) who knocks my socks off w Iraq, Palin, new journo stuff: ++insightful climate chg item http://is.gd/1zeZM
- Did Brand also say "Information wants to be free"? http://tr.im/smcl Too clever. Anyway, as my wife says, "information wants to be wrong".
- "We are as gods, and have to get good at it." Stewart Brand's revised whole earth motto. http://is.gd/1yVKh
- Morano and Inhofe cheer for Hansen: http://is.gd/1yLKL . No surprise. Proves they only care about delaying policy, not about actual facts.
- @mariondelgado Thought I'd lost you! re yr nukes point agree. We don't need whole energy portfolio but we lack collective skill to decide.
- Precautionary principle, libertarianism, as symmetrical errors. Blogged: http://is.gd/1xRph
- @scruffydan He debunks the greenhouse effect by assuming it does not exist and concluding the assumption http://is.gd/1xzC8
- Everybody grind your own axe and pay no attention to the big picture, OK? That will be fun! e.g.: http://www.nobiomassburning...
- RT @dcarli “How did survival on Planet Earth become a liberal cause?” -Bill Maher http://tr.im/s9WQ
- What ever became of actual conservatism? Read this comment at 538: http://is.gd/1vpsq
- US Rep Luetkemeyer (R-MO) seeks to withhold US funding from IPCC & its "international junk science" http://is.gd/1vnZt
- RT @danwhnt 2 major 21st c problems: how do we get along with each other, and how do we get along with our planet? -Lonnie Thompson
- You cain't get the Hell out of Texas. No matter how hard you try.
- It's where I want to be. The only place for me. Where my spirit can be free. Texas.
- Newark again this time leaving Mars (Quebec) for Venus (Texas). Cultural whiplash.
- @seasonofthebitch If enough grownups on both sides automatic opposition would not happen every single time it mattered; been a long time tho
- RT @gfriend Design: Invent financial incentives so that rational whole system behavior becomes the new "default" individual actor behavior.
- Texas is like Venus. Montreal is like Mars. I am a sort of space traveler.
- Changing planes in Newark. Everything smooth so far. Puddle jumper to Montreal boarding soon.
- NYTimes covers the Carlin / EPA story uncritically. http://is.gd/1opPj #climatechange #scijourn Where's he said she said when you need it?
- More pigheaded climate denial from the WSJ. Except for valiant efforts by Troy Garibaldi, sad echo chamber in comments. http://is.gd/1npLg
- Palin cheers me up. “So, like our brave American soldiers, who never quit, I am quitting!” (channeled by Lionel Hutz in Wonkette comments)
- Senators trying to figure out how to make future health care most closely resemble our current situation, so as to “control costs” -Wonkette
- Kids use "awesome" to mean '"adequate", but my peeve is "downfall" for "drawback". They're so dramatic. Imagine if some drama happened!
- Gloom Gloom Gloom. http://is.gd/1mrr8 http://is.gd/1mrsO http://is.gd/1mrub . I swear some days life is just like dental surgery.
- RT @JohnDCook RT @gregskidmore: Two amazing charts. Home values vs. stock prices. Inflation adjusted. - http://bit.ly/5XitT
- Scary-creepy Austin/Singer/Lindzen/etc. climate change open letter rebutted (on my blog): http://is.gd/1lVLB
- @amalari You confuse "awesome" with "ossim", meaning "correct" or "to specification" expressed w/ enthusiasm: "You have your spoon? Ossim!"
- @BoreholeGroup How to 1) extract clathrates w/o environmental CH4 release? 2) enforce such practice on commercial operations? Clues please.
- If a mountain is reflected in a lake, and we're all too busy too notice, is it still beautiful? http://is.gd/1lDcG
- Bogglingly bad idea: RT @kate_sheppard @TimFernholz TAP can't get a congressional press pass because we're a non-profit and might lobby.
- Inhofe's "Dead in the water" is a poor choice of phrasing to oppose a climate bill, isn't it? (From @AriMelber )
- Romm: EPA ignoring internal non-expert comments filled w falsehoods cut-and-paste from web isn’t “suppressing a report”! http://is.gd/1kmN3
- #ATX #climatechange Public talk by me on climate models and climate policy tomorrow July 1 6:30 PM Y'all come http://austinforum.org
- @dailydish re Manzi: see http://is.gd/1jpIx ("Tidal") comment: For 19 C increase DICE model forecasts 50% GDP loss. Economic basis dubious.
- RT @Kenwardjr Blogging about coal exec tweets, http://bit.ly/SBjrL
- remember the venn diagram of success? http://is.gd/1jczU Dave Pollard seems to have fixed it! http://is.gd/1jcCX @thingsbreak
- @PA32R very different; Hansen is leading scientist. EPA guy had no science job, offers tired incoherent denial nonsense: http://is.gd/1jbPs
- RT @danwhnt Did 17,000 scientists really call clim. change a hoax: (We did this last fall) http://bit.ly/GIv8g #climatechange
- Sen Inhofe and Fox News on the "suppressed" EPA "study"; http://is.gd/1iCKL Inhofe feels "redeemed", is "rejoicing". Investigation underway.
- RT @david_h_roberts Added picture of cat playing piano to my (long) post... Now you'll read it! http://bit.ly/6BZ2O -(It's worth reading.)
- #ATX #weather 104° F in Austin, making today the 16th 100-degree day this month, setting a new record for number of June days over 100° F .
- Join me and my tweeps on the Austin TownMe Directory at http://www.townme.com/austi...
- RT @Kenward "Krugman: Vote against #aces was "treason against planet,"-He did not say that! The treason is mocking the problem's existence.
- RT @seasonothebitch Madoff gets 150 years, AIG got over $150 million in bonuses. Fair?
- RT @cshirky "We must give government permission to fail." Jeff Jarvis on government as rolling beta. #pdf09
- @danwhnt I prefer your version to @krugman's on the grounds that you mention me! But yes, a sorry situation indeed.
- RT @revkin: Here's transcript of a sitdown Obama, Chu, Browner did today on climate, energy etc http://bit.ly/nytObamOnClimate h/t DHRoberts
- Ah, I had to send Apple thirty bucks for the privilege
- For those who underestimate climatology: http://is.gd/1hngI Also, #Apple tech help: how do I embed this QuickTime into a Keynote? Thanks!
- @akuchling re your q re intemperate AGW posts on geek sites; have thought about it; material for a blog posting. I'll tweet when it's done.
- disappointed usually excel't @newsycombinator linking malicious WSJ article http://bit.ly/OJUPU claiming burgeoning greenhouse 'skepticism'
- RT @socialmedia2day A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To Cap and Trade http://cli.gs/PD8dr (via @tweetmeme)
- #ATX our Rep Doggett (D-TX): Doing nothing actually results in more renewable energy than approving ACES...cannot support http://is.gd/1gaNz
- Most economists don't get it: on a crowded world, less production & less consumption maximizes capital -K Boulding 1966 http://is.gd/1gafD
- RT @socialmedia2day Shorter Jim Manzi http://cli.gs/6qZT3 (via @tweetmeme)
- Like it or not, leaving aside past history, I have to highly recommend @Revkin's latest: http://bit.ly/dotWaxMark as exemplary.
- While the usual suspects focus on Waxman drama, the Wall Street Journal offers an especially malicious op-ed on climate http://ff.im/-4tB2U
- Something for everybody on the internet...
- !!! Sign me up, I guess! RT @harleypasternak out-of shape jewish and no longer in canada? rejoice! http://bit.ly/2QZ48O
- RT @ClimateSciWatch Is everyone talking about the same bill? It will either kill the economy, or save us from doom. No in-betweens! #ACES
- @JohnDCook My MD asks re WSJ http://ff.im/-4tB2U today too (sigh) but flatline bogus http://is.gd/1eIDj & consensus real http://is.gd/1eIIc
- #FF environment Texas @AustinPost @chronsciguy @jorge_salazar @jonl @asherprice @EDFtx @txpolitics @MattGlazer @TexasObserver @BOR ; others?
- RT @AustinPost Did you know we're in a water war? http://bit.ly/h2owar #ATX #water
- @ejgertz asks how people fed selves pre 1950 w/o petro-based fertilizers. Ans: fewer people eating fewer calories & less meat; more starved.
- RT @jayrosen_nyu From @seasonothebitch: "I prefer the genuine to the ironic, which makes me hipster fail. I, like, care about shit."
- @PA32R very different for Iran, but the same for present purposes: both captured the foreground of the imagination here in North America.
- @gfriend your q's are reminiscent of William Cronon's thoughts on "Nature" , e.g., http://is.gd/1dPhg
- Record temps across Texas. Power usage expected to hit all-time high today. Plea for restraint & it's not even July yet! http://is.gd/1drSE
- no acceptable way for a mainstream reporter to...tell readers that the info. [from] a powerful office-holder may be false http://is.gd/1dmOY
- In Texas you can't buy a pack of gum without chatting the cashier up for a half hour.
- "bonjour-hi" Speaking Montrealais: http://is.gd/1dfcs Only in Mtl: "You can save a syllable by saying 'allo'". Situation rewards terseness!
- @jayrosen_nyu : "style of educated journalists" cohort costs trust. I say obsession w controversy & power, also cynicism. Memes not style.
- @jayrosen_nyu I disagree. http://is.gd/1c2PS : press mentality doesn't map onto contemporary public issues in substance, focus, emphasis.
- Unfollow is broken for me.
- @dcarli Did you read my blog entry today? Relates to Anastas' point. http://is.gd/1c2PS
- RT @chronsciguy "Houston has apparently just had its warmest day in June. Ever. 104°. Fun."#ATX Austin record today 104; shy of June max=108
- Joe Romm claims Obama understands the ponzi problem with "growth". http://cli.gs/3Hzghg (via @tweetmeme)
- A new meme is not enough. We need new patterns of thought. #journ #scijourn #climatechange #sustainability ( http://is.gd/1c2PS )
- I claim: @revkin 's q is journalism trying to address a problem journalism created w/o addressing role of journalism. ( http://is.gd/1c2PS )
- Longish article responding to Revkin/Seed query re right language to galvanize public action on climate. On my blog at: http://is.gd/1c2PS
- The #OLPC $100 laptop story moves toward exactly the outcome I was hoping for: a pure software solution http://bit.ly/pr16M h/t @ommachi
- RT @tweetmeme 40 Useful and Creative Infographics http://tinyurl.com/qqqvb8 +1
- RT @DanteAtkins via @markosm: if a public option will have rationing, long waits & poor service, then why are private insurers afraid of it?
- RT @EcoInteractive: Cameroon rainforest given 30 days to be conserved or sold off for logging http://bit.ly/28J1r Ideas? #cameroonforest
- RT @Angera Anyone want to have lunch in Boston tomorrow and talk sustainable seafood?
- FTC to regulate blogs? http://is.gd/1aLin "bloggers that don’t disclose freebies could become the target of an FTC investigation"
- best reply B. Leonard: Approach issues from perspective of reporting "facts" rather than "sides in a debate". What happened to reporting?
- The peculiar journalistic ethic can be abused; Suppose MDs say "tuberculosis", chamber of commerce says "allergies". The press says...?
- RT @dangillmor NPR ombud "explains" its cowardice in not calling torture "torture" -- pathetic http://bit.ly/3v8S2R
- RT @mationdelgado I've been in MSM, print, radio. In J School it's "absurd" to train anyone in science and its standard to train them in PR.
- My talk Austin 7/1 "Cybernetics of Climate" climate models & policy: how should these computations be understood? #ATX http://is.gd/19ulJ
- "I should have given them only the seven words I wanted them to use" - scientist re NYTimes article http://is.gd/19hVB
- Sullivan re Iran: One feels connected to the people w blogs, tweets &c Suspicion and fear betw Iran & America slips away. http://is.gd/18AhU
- RT @dailydish (Andrew Sullivan) Poem 4 the Day: A day of ominous decision has now dawned on this free nation. fixed link http://is.gd/18zNA
- had trouble finding @BoraZ vs @jason_pontin on xark. Google cache: http://is.gd/18xPL also I saved it here http://is.gd/18y0s v interesting
- Yet another glossy climate report! National Science Foundation Releases Report on state of climate science http://tr.im/llHz
- @Tokyo_Tom re Ron Bailey's http://is.gd/180TZ My http://is.gd/180Ze much less impressed than your http://ff.im/-4ePJg me: silly circular arg
- RT @pzmyers +1: Obama and nerd cred: At last, we have a president who can give a Vulcan salutation. http://tinyurl.com/lrr663
- +1 RT @newsycombinator Why are modern scientists so dull? http://bit.ly/ItHbe
- rt @ZEROGreenhouse: average person in US today will put out 119.3lbs CO2, Tanzanian 0.6 lbs, Climate change will affect all equally
- RT via @ken_homer @davidhodgson: our financial system is not biomimetic - there is no concept of gravity ... tis not healthy for our species
- @Krugman picks up Rosen's "serious people" sarcasmo-meme in noting #Froomkin fiasco http://is.gd/171tg
- RT @BrentSpiner "Thinking about legally changing my name to @BrentSpiner". Will we have to RT you as @@BrentSpiner then? Could get messy.
- (followup to previous tweet) In case you missed the comparable US climate change report it's at http://is.gd/13FKM
- The Age: http://is.gd/15VP0 Euros also just released glossy climate report for public. http://is.gd/15Wko Seems more abstract, still scary.
- RT @jorge_salazar : Ken Caldeira responds to @thingsbreak 's geo-engineering and ocean acidification post: http://bit.ly/ydQV9
- This Venn diagram is very useful, but surely there is a fourth bubble somewhere called "what needs to be done". http://is.gd/15rKY
- is working on a longish article, ~3K words, about psychology, the press and sustainability responding to @revkin 's query http://is.gd/15p5j
- Do you agree "submission of fake manuscripts is a totally unethical activity"? It seems a useful test. http://ff.im/48k3x h/t @Maxine_Clarke
- +1 Rob Watson: "Sacking the Temple of Ego-Nomics" http://is.gd/15nck
- +1 "No, PDFs really do suck!" http://ff.im/44YzI ht @abhishektiwari
- "Asked if we have enough time to prevent catastrophe, [Meadows would answer] exactly enough time-starting now" -A Lovins http://is.gd/15lp8
- RT @ommachi Future of Science Journalism http://bit.ly/AEZZa reliability check on web-writing remains an issue #scijourn
- The pale blue dot image: http://is.gd/151lL
- via @radar Open Ideas: Alex Payne's blog of Concepts in the public domain, awaiting collaboration and appropriation http://ideas.al3x.net/
- RT @jowyang: IBM is afraid of Microsoft who is afraid of Google who is afraid of Facebook who is afraid of Twitter who is afraid of whales.
- like RT @aycangulez The better you program, the worse you communicate. http://bit.ly/11RJ7G
- "Whether you work inside or outside the beltway determines whether you think there was climate news (in a given) week" http://is.gd/146Im
- Any publications arguably without a point of view are mathematical, arcane, narrow. Thus US "editorial"/"reporting" split is not well named.
- RT @russ_walker via dhr:yes, Iran, N. Korea etc But not a SINGLE question about climate in today's WH briefing? MSM FAIL http://bit.ly/ohHgm
- #WHclimate Finding the actual report requires too much digging! Anyway, here you go: http://is.gd/13FKM (large PDF; 190 hi-design pages)
- #WHclimate climate science funding prognosis good according to holdren
- #WHclimate USA Today reporter asks beginner questions about temperature trend like he started learning about this stuff last week.
- #WHclimate http://is.gd/13ExZ Tom Karl now speaking on threshholds vs tipping points; good idea
- RT @kate_sheppard Climate change impacts report conference will be webcast starting at 1:30 http://is.gd/13CBJ Oops that is now.
- No surprise here: RT @kate_sheppard Obtained copy of climate report. In short, we're screwed, but less screwed if we do something now.
- To the tune "Liberty Bell": Oh CA-nada, yes oh CA_nada, you're glo-rious and free, Oh CA-nada, yes oh CA-nada, we stand, on guard, for thee!
- My phone plays Monty Python theme. My supervisee from India asks "WOTT is that? CANADIAN national anthem?" Good idea. #canada #python
- mind boggles but RT @rkref Neocon intellectual dishonesty @ new low w/ quiet support 4 Ahmedi bc he is a better poster child for war w/Iran
- RT @TerracomChicago Save the earth? Live in a city: http://is.gd/13xQH
- Feingold making sense on health care http://is.gd/13uCw says to write your federal reps and make a case for universal healthcare in the USA.
- my big @dcarli McElroy retweet picked up by The Energy Collective . I never know what they will like! http://is.gd/13pcb
- RT @Amalari #iranelection cyberwar guide for beginners http://bit.ly/raxNI
- big blog-retweet of @dcarli channeling Mark McElroy: http://is.gd/136jJ
- Twitter reschedules downtime for midnight in Iran, midday in America. Both excellent and interesting! http://is.gd/12Tqr
- RT @YaleE360 Oyster Die-Off in Pacific May Be Linked to Ocean Acidification http://bit.ly/VQw6G
- I've been talking about this for 15 years but not mentioned. Nice though. RT @dotearth A Climate (Communication) Crisis? http://bit.ly/RS3qQ
- @dcarli re WSJ ad: which companies signed it? http://tr.im/oyoJ
- Bucky Fuller took a position as a lecturer at S. Ill. U. at the age of 61. I feel a little better now. http://is.gd/128FS
- #iranelection Good summary by G Sick. #journalism Example of how to summarize; can build on this in later pieces w a link. http://tr.im/orhe
- RT @TEDchris No new tweets from @change_for_Iran in 7 hrs. I hope he/she's OK. @ev has confirmed to me the account source is inside iran.(!)
- This is interesting @tehranelection
- Why do I find out about these things after they have started? http://geni.org/wrsc/ attempt to reboot Bucky Fuller's 'World Game'.
- TX gov Perry: "as concerning are the EPA's efforts to have CO2 identified as a toxic substance" Straw man? http://is.gd/109w6
- @pogue Verb Swifty: "This weight loss diet has really worked!" she expounded. "It didn't work for me," he announced.
- #followfriday #python @dabeaz @johndcook @holdenweb @akuchling @noahgift @ianbicking @toolness @adrianholovaty @pypi & of course @gvanrossum
- RT @newsycombinator Humans prefer cockiness to expertise http://bit.ly/N8pxJ
- RT @thingsbreak From now on, my response to questions abt Freeman Dyson or Dick Lindzen & climate models http://twitpic.com/76z5l
- Future climate: expect more severe storms and more drought. Is that a contradiction? Nope. e.g. See tonight's radar. http://is.gd/ZoIH
- RT @mims if universities had major in "saving the world" & were honest about net impact, you'd probably end up in the engineering department
- http://is.gd/Yp76 wherein @jfleck argues separating journalism vs advocacy & I disagree. Also, Joe Romm accused of insufficient greenness.
- @timoreilly points to NYTimes deficit taxonomy http://bit.ly/18RwIc Not even a whisper there about resource or environmental constraints.
- creepy #facebook virus has my number. Don't click on the out-of-character link purporting to be your friend. Especially if it's me. :-(
- A policy grad student recently shook head in bewilderment listening to me, said "but, but I thought neoMalthusianism had been discredited!"
- I raised limits to growth with an econ prof recently. She said "why don't you want growth to continue?" As though a matter of preference!
- economists who think economy is a subset of environment, not vice versa, are effectively considered fringe in the profession.
- like me @thingsbreak wants a liberal mainstream economist to take on resource constraints in earnest, suggests we pester @delong
- @justinmclachlan calls @jayrosen_nyu shrill sez pro jrnlsts win on rumors/facts rough/complete raw/vetted but no evidence! http://is.gd/XBUn
- RT @buckdenton WSJ: Texas Blasts Federal Efforts to Fight Global Warming: http://tinyurl.com/myujdd
- RT @1Sky : Have q's about the Waxman-Markey bill on tmrw's national conference call? mail billquestions@1sky.org http://bit.ly/S85RR
- Chinese press says China wants to cooperate w/ US on climate change. http://bit.ly/91JZ5 via @ClimateProject
- RT @tweetmeme Excellent DOE infographic summarizing US energy sources and destinations http://bit.ly/HMfkP
- Are limits to growth kicking in? Ugo Bardi says yes at http://is.gd/S2DX
- This is close. RT @dcarli @searchnomics New site promotes journalists as individual brands: http://tinyurl.com/qnpahn
- RT @TheOilDrum Herman Daly: From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy http://tinyurl.com/lpcbnx
- NY Times architecture critic celebrates yet another eyesore. The Times continues to add insult to injury. http://is.gd/PQ69 Mind boggles.
- RT @tweetmeme My Water and Energy blog entry is being carried by The Energy Collective http://bit.ly/Ec7uw
- Sorry I can't include @BoraZ in #FF . We are slightly acquainted + he is slightly famous. Follow him or I'll have to RT everything he says.
- non (yet) famous non acquaintances I recommend: @thenonconsumer @jenncuisine @dcarli @johndcook @abhishektiwari @altepper @scruffydan
- via @jayrosen_nyu vi @BoraZ On the phase change in journalism http://is.gd/Pj4y and http://tr.im/nt25
- One way to solve energy problems with technology: break the 746 watts per horsepower barrier! http://is.gd/Phbr
- RT @mims journalists would be right more often if they occasionally allowed themselves to be wrong #falsebalance
- Asked if interviewee Dyson was right about science, journalist Dawidoff says he doesn't care, it doesn't matter. http://is.gd/O7R0 #scijourn
- email: "Hi Sir. You have a wonderfull offer to getting Shairs of World's leading Companies. If you interested please reply me. -Tony" hmm...
- Texans by an undeserved twist of fate, led the world into the carbon-burning age, and may well be the ones to lead us out. http://is.gd/NF1W
- @ken_homer Thanks for your attention and your kind words! Stick around. Busy week for me on other fronts but I'll be back.
- But there is no magic right way to interpret terms like “free speech” or “due process” or "potato chip". - NY Times. http://is.gd/LAzT
- Paul Baer's corrollary: Any job not worth doing well is not worth doing.
- Not sure how I found this history of programing languages. "Lisp still influential in recursion and condescension." http://is.gd/KZsg
- Disagree w @pzmyers about smthg besides religion. http://is.gd/IcBm . I thought the media article first rate. Schema don't need to be data.
- really good green urbanism stuff despite the name: http://noisetank.com/hugeas...
- fine goals indeed, @j_timmer , but your Texas traffic light camera story http://is.gd/HmpB stopped me in my tracks...
- @jenncuisine compliment was meant sincerely; your excellent photographs and creative recipes are a delight
- @PA32R check the link; I love the eyesore of the month pix
- @johndcook Grooks! Another shared interest! @ everybody else: look for the short poems of nerd poet Piet Hein.
- @pkedrosky Very interesting graph re electricity: http://tinyurl.com/qsutd6 thanks. Please provide either details or a complete reference.
- Krugman: We averted utter catastrophe, but we can't all export our way to recovery. There's no other planet to trade with. http://is.gd/G98t
- RT @david_h_roberts corn ethanol is not about reducing CO2. It's about ag subsidies. Please stop using it to slander entire climate effort.
- "Our knowledge and skill in building has been reduced to near zero in this culture". Kunstler is right about that much. http://is.gd/FsvT
- Some thoughts prompted by the Bayer vs the bees accusation on my blog: http://is.gd/EWxl
- @Pogue annoying phrase "Still working on that?" from waitperson. No. *You* are working. I am relaxing over dinner. Or was until just now.
- #scijourn in a nutshell http://is.gd/CJMY
- RT @kate_sheppard: In press section, energy bill hearing. One reporter playing solitaire. Another browsing wine tours in Va. Thanks, MSM!
- repeat,URL fix @jenncuisine offers map of imidacloprid use http://tinyurl.com/cn8w5m Map of bee colony disorder: http://is.gd/B878 No match!
- @monkchips , @jenncuisine offers map of imidacloprid use http://tinyurl.com/cn8w5m Map of bee colony disorder: http://is.gd/B7HN No match!
- Krugman surprises me by preferring a carbon cap to a tax; tepid on Waxman-Markey but will settle. Good enough for me. http://is.gd/B7ww
- @monkchips Thanks. I agree Wikipedia isn't decisive, can be gamed. But in my experience accusations like this can sometimes be unfounded.
- RT @monkchips Bayer found imidacloprid in pollen of flowering trees at concentr's high enough to kill a honeybee in mins http://bit.ly/9jc3N
- RT @carlmalamud It is very hard to stomach a copyright notice like http://www.si.edu/copyright/ on a government web site.
- The question every amateur creator asks every day isn't "Why publish this?" but "Why not?" RT @cshirky via @BoraZ http://tr.im/lFGx
- Claims @monkchips http://is.gd/B2e3 bee deaths due to Bayer pesticide. Wikipedia says no evidence http://is.gd/B2gi Evidence should matter.
- @david_h_roberts is right: we shouldn't quibble too much re Waxman Markey. Timing is politically important so let's cope. http://is.gd/ANHS
- A real economist (DeLong) uses the phrase "limits to growth" in jest, but it appears he actually has heard of the idea. http://is.gd/zV5m
- Roberts again Everybody doing their job resulting in reduction in public understanding => the system is broken. http://tr.im/ljbh ht J Rosen
- RT @david_h_roberts Economists call ubiquitous features of everyday life, behavior "market failures." The market is very disappointed in us.
- Twitter damages Twitter: hides @ replies to ppl you don't follow. Why it's bad http://tr.im/ldS4 #twitterfail #fixreplies ht @BadAstronomer
- I make a point of complaining to airline every time. Do you? RT @pzmyers SAVE ME. Stuck in the airport with the CNN "news" channel blaring.
- RT @pkedrosky Am increasingly convinced that we sorely need the societal equivalent of a car's crumple zone.
- RT @johndcook New blog post about managing never-ending projects, personal and professional http://bit.ly/MFcN7
- @thinkprogress has a first rate story about Waxman-Markey energy bill; apparently the fight is about money. Who knew? http://is.gd/zcQm
- @bruces Beyond turnips? Austin Texas as a #transition town Org. meeting 6:30 May 12! see http://tinyurl.com/TransAustin Please pass it on.
- Austin Texas as a #transition town! Organizational meeting 6:30 May 12! see http://tinyurl.com/TransAustin #atx #sustainability #resilience
- RT @dcarli Friends of the Earth Cautionary Report: Subprime Carbon? Re-thinking the World's Largest New Derivatives Market http://tr.im/l2v9
- RT @seasonofthebitch Hey, Internet. @rushkoff is serializing his new book at BoingBoing. I just read it and it's awesome. http://is.gd/x7uv
- Counsel for energy legislators (via Ed Reid): "Don't begin vast programs with half-vast ideas." http://is.gd/yAam
- @dabeaz All done with slides? Wow. And here I thought it was all done with mirrors...
- energy climate Q : Is seabed and/or tundra clathrate recovery for combustion feasible without very large releases of methane? How?
- The Two Cultures (science vs arts) and Obama's request for advice about science. blogged: http://is.gd/xND9
- A given economic growth rate can be sustainable only if the average impact per unit wealth declines at an equal or greater rate. #TWISI
- Interesting, blistering attack on academia from untenured instructor: http://is.gd/xezZ
- Liked YaleEnvironment360 on cap-trade vs carbon tax: http://is.gd/xvwr Blogged pro-tax: http://is.gd/xvvA Cappers still make no sense to me.
- Haha! ampersand trade is an html character!
- Liked YaleEnvironment360 on cap™ vs carbon tax: http://is.gd/xvwr Blogged pro-tax: http://is.gd/xvvA Cappers still make no sense to me.
- @arthursmith I think you may be right; people don't understand the shape but I wonder if the magnitudes are right
- Huge argument between @BoraZ and @jayrosen_nyu vs @jason_pontin Interesting? Who knows? Twitter interface makes it unparsable. Suggestions?
- Housing glut: houses with negative value! http://is.gd/x4Ai
- RT @cunctator not dealing with global warming screws over humanity, not Al Gore
- RT @abhishektiwari Liked "Sandeep The Mouse Trap : Science 2.0 : what is and what needs to be" http://ff.im/2Cmtp
- via @danwhnt Today from the CBO: US climate change impacts. http://bit.ly/e4wUd I say people's failure to grasp Fig 1 is the main problem.
- @PA32R Elephant joke is an old one; not sure where I heard it. Google has 4560 hits on "elephino" including a Twitter ID.
- RT @PA32R So if HuffPo ... supports pseudoscience wack jobs, why trust it elsewhere? me: 1/2 elephant 1/2 rhinoceros = elephino .
- Austin Texas as a #transition town! Come to the organizational meeting on May 12! http://tinyurl.com/TransAustin #atx #sustainability pls RT
- OK Sen Inhofe takes reasonable position on black carbon forcing. Is this progress in the absence of Morano or a blunder? http://is.gd/wY5J
- BBC reports an interesting article in J Clim, researchers unspecified at institute unspecified. Why do I have to guess? http://is.gd/tLOJ
- How much do highway interchanges cost? Clue: http://is.gd/wCar How much would an elevated bike path cost per mile?
- Promoting science: "If only we had the money" http://is.gd/wBLB . If medical science can't do it, little wonder climate science fails.
- RT @thingsbreak @ClimateProject: krugman making sense on climate change policy & economics http://tinyurl.com/cxuyhb
- "Information wants to be wrong." - Irene Tobis
- RT @GregMitch NYT asks Obama what "enchants" him as prez ....no 9th grader was available to ask that?
- I know 3 people who think swine flu is a deliberate distraction by government. Public vs science community gap yet again. Very unfortunate.
- Lowest bandwidth infographic of all time? http://bit.ly/CrxVZ h/t @oh_henry via @BoraZ
- @kdaustin I will pursue this on my blog. I work at a nexus of CCS research. There are huge advantages to making it work. Will ping you.
- @kdaustin says "CO2 sequestration not practical large scale". Why not?
- RT @freedryk Debugging Fortran code. I hate when devs write clever optimizations that make it impossible to make the code do what you want.
- Montreal bagels: I have no choice but to try recipe and report. Cursed internet. http://is.gd/vePl via http://is.gd/ukmA
- RT @thegreengrok Obama has relaunched a Bush climate initiative by convening 17 biggest economies for a meeting http://tinyurl.com/cwmrr3
- RT @hrheingold Some blogs are very good, some MSM are very bad, but I see the whole debate as distracting from developing a news ecosystem.
- RT @AlexSteffen "Climate deniers spin geoengineering as answer" article http://tinyurl.com/c42bpl . Fine article at WorldChanging.com .
- comment: "I'm sorry but if you rely on a bunch of aging rockers to produce a comprehensive pandemic strategy then you deserve all you get."
- Brits sink £11M into in situ ocean acidification impact research http://ff.im/-2pGYs ( h/t @LizNeeley via @kzelnio )
- prev tweet h/t @johndcook via @hamiltonulmer see http://bit.ly/17XhiW 2/2
- Debate between Bayesians and frequentists is unusual among philosophical arguments in actually having important practical consequences. 1/2
- @sciam twitterist attending #scijourn conference in Cambridge MA ; which, where, what? Somebody please go and tweet.
- @Angera You seem interesting but I won't read your blog until you pick a less eye-gougingly awful template. It's easy: Layout->New Template
- An economic growth rate is sustainable *only* if the impact per unit wealth declines at an equal or greater rate. blogged: http://is.gd/v0gx
- if upstream waste is 70x municipal waste, then all the attention to muni. waste stream is misplaced; where are the other 70 landfills?
- @dcarli thanks for response but your link just went to a search engine. "wasteberg" a good clue but so far no authoritative source
- @dcarli re 70-to-1 commercial-to-consumer trash ratio: thanks for the data. I'd appreciate a reference. Where did you get that info? Thanks!
- Major rain event today upstream from Austin great news in short run, but is Texas drying out? #atx http://is.gd/uUNP but http://is.gd/uUQo
- #Austin Slashdot reports: "Time Warner Shutting Off Austin Accounts For Heavy Usage". Insightful comment: http://is.gd/uytM
- Monckton:Dems "refused to allow" him to testify vs Gore. "Democrats have a lot to learn about the right of free speech." http://is.gd/ukuf
- RT: @PowerShift09 Gore: I wish I could find the words 2 unlock this partisan lock. The next gen. is calling us to work together... h/t @1Sky
- "lurkoid": argumentum ad googlum: http://is.gd/ukk5
- http://bit.ly/1092Pp : report climate effects "cannot be denied" even as group did so. thingsbreak wants discussion, so: http://is.gd/uiEu
- While millionaires tremble, the rabble masses at the gates, bellowing their demands: "We are here to cut your taxes!" http://is.gd/ucBQ
- @PA32R Did you ever hear * me * say science isn't corrupted by funding? Why would that mean greenhouse gases are harmless, though?
- Canadian CO2 emissions skyrocketing. ☹ Reading a UN report to that effect supposedly requires traditional journalism??? http://is.gd/tI1W
- @johndcook You sure? Many things are attributed to Einstein that he never said. This one seems very dubious from any physicist after Newton.
- @mariondelgado Thanks. Debate welcome on blog; I say green jobs are necessary but shouldn't be motivate or distract. http://is.gd/sXX2
- Delicious J Wolcott article on the DC mind "the fetish...for a centrism that converts everything to mush" h/t @markosm http://bit.ly/hiis8
- RT @freeroxana has 1553 followers. You can't visit her in prison, but you can follow her. Free Roxana!
- Just joined a twibe. Visit http://twibes.com/Django to join
- Just joined a twibe. Visit http://twibes.com/Sustainab... to join
- RT @atrios i think franken and coleman should be cosenators just to make broder weep with joy
- RT @NewTechBooks city where every arrest is Twittered http://cli.gs/JSJugg (city wants feed shut down) @adrianholovaty will be unsurprised
- Just joined a twibe. Visit http://twibes.com/science_ed to join
- Rasmussen: Just one-out-of-three voters (34%) now believe global warming is caused by human activity. http://is.gd/nHCU
- "Cohen strolled out onstage, still hip, still the epitome of a certain kind of sexy Euro-Canadian-Buddhist intellectual style" - G. Kamiya ☺
- RT @kdaustin :'OMG, the Reuters text- "CO2, one of several... gases that spur global warming"- no waffling! No might maybe could! Yay!'
- RT @GregMitch Drudge headlines Rasmussen poll finding that 75% of Texans against seceding--rather than that, amazingly, 18% or more favor.
- EPA will regulate greenhouse gases. EPA: http://is.gd/sYC0 WSJ: http://is.gd/sYNW Reuters: http://is.gd/sXxY 1Sky: http://is.gd/sYOX
- Does focus on "green jobs" distract from the severity of the underlying problems? I and others argue yes: http://is.gd/sXX2
- Calling information in Israel to find restaurant no.; operator replies “You don’t want to eat there”, lists alternatives. http://is.gd/sXtF
- RT @dcarli Kyoto 2.0 Set To Fall At The First Hurdle http://tr.im/j30Z ((Re-arranging deck chairs?))
- @Oprah 's on.
- RT @johndcook Miniature Earth video http://bit.ly/iRrxo If there were 100 people on earth ...
- Morano: Allegre to be French environment minister!?! http://is.gd/sQKB Doubt this disaster but A is buttering Sarkozy up. http://is.gd/sQK4
- RT @scruffydan Liked: A cure for colony collapse http://tr.im/iYmj
- via @bruces RT @vanderbeeken BOP Source - The first social network for the base of the pyramid http://www.bopsource.com/
- Beautiful pix of von Karman vortices in lab and atmosphere at NASA site http://ff.im/-29VvH h/t @ommachi
- RT @FizzyDuck vi @Amalari: If it weren’t for physics and law enforcement, I’d be unstoppable!
- I missed originally (WSJ 4/7 via @slashdot today) Chu endorses carbon capture/sequestration (CCS) from coal plants http://is.gd/rhmW
- For...the western world,prosperity without growth is no longer a utopian dream.It is a financial and ecological necessity. http://is.gd/pXkc
- NYTimes headline "Disney Expert Uses Science to Draw Boy Viewers" doesn't imply boys like science. They are the lab rats. http://is.gd/srGJ
- RT @statesman Kinky Friedman "might" run for governor again, this time as a Democrat http://budurl.com/vzvq (scare quotes added). Amusing.
- #statistics problem: If I have 1%, 25%, median, 75% and 99% CDF from interview, how to interpolate; how to convolve PDFs? http://is.gd/sonx
- @TEDChris points to David Deutsch's #ted talk http://is.gd/1myC . It is fascinating but fundamentally flawed. I rebut at http://is.gd/sj6n .
- Adrian H makes the NYTimes: #python story, replacenik story at the same time! http://is.gd/s5vV Sweet!
- http://is.gd/1myC a great TED talk, but why are physicists so clueless about climate? The thrust is brilliant but the details are so wrong!
- #python If you pass the string "nan" to float(raw_input()) it does not raise an exception; nonlocal failures ensue. Beware!
- Climate change denialist Mark Morano bravely takes on 16 y.o. Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana; blog: http://is.gd/saVg
- @jfleck Rosen on false balance. Maybe I don't get journalism, or maybe I just don't say it as well. http://is.gd/s2MY Thanks again @BoraZ !
- Psychohistory (mathematics of collective behavior) as predicted by Asimov http://is.gd/j0Tc , claimed at TED: http://is.gd/rdi4
- I don't know pressures and compromises of news biz but I'm sure the product doesn't inform public well. Public shares blame but so do media.
- @kaliphonia AWIT saved my life in 4th grade, but I think it is aimed at kids stuck in unhappy families. Effects of that still resonating.
- Nice to see the delete function back on Twitter: levity about pirates was ill-timed!
- RT @statesman How cold was it this morning? How about coldest temperature in Austin history for April. http://budurl.com/hby7
- RT @carr2n "Facelessbook"
- re #SBOE Texas Bd of Ed evolution fiasco: P Murray, VP TX Citizens for Science, attended meetings, has insightful blog http://is.gd/r3ZR
- @BoraZ http://is.gd/qzNX nice ideas but site violates many usability criteria! Tiny black on grey print; no context hints. Ironic bad design
- An example of the impedance mismatch between science and the press. http://tinyurl.com/c5f5xc (via BoraZ via NerdyChristie) #scijourn
- URL shortening article is useful but has one of the worst website usability bugs I've ever seen. http://is.gd/qFpA ; note horizontal scroll.
- http://is.gd/qBRi on the broken peer review system h/t @abhishektiwari
- my 1st #followfriday climate folk @carlzimmer @arthursmith @thingsbreak @jfleck @Tokyo_Tom @wmconnolley & of course @algore Who did I miss?
- Toxic liberal/conservative index: http://tinyurl.com/cz7avj @ezraklein please grow up. Politics is not a football league. Things matter.
- @jayrosen_nyu re http://is.gd/qx92 Also Hall gets it backwards! Paper is "rock solid", the web is transitory? So very wrong.
- Appears I was saying these things before I had heard of @jayrosen_nyu : http://is.gd/qx0K #scijourn
- RT @LizNeeley A reverse image search engine - upload a pic, find matches http://tineye.com . My experiment was impressive: http://is.gd/qs4q
- Security Wizard: "Step 1: Back up your system." Why? Will the patch make things worse? Do I want to be able to restore the virus later?
- Science cannot compromise with nonsense. It takes very little dogshit to spoil an otherwise lovely creme caramelle.
- RT @buckdenton Texas Officially Makes The Universe Ageless: http://is.gd/q8uK
- Somebody set me straight. What is "cap-and-trade"? Why is it better than a carbon tax? Discussion appreciated. http://is.gd/qjBo
- http://is.gd/iKtD The press may not be successful...telling people what to think, but [succeeds] in telling its readers what to think about.
- @danwhnt Thanks! I was going to dig a bit myself. Q stands. Why don't #scijourn pros name PI, provide a proper reference? Not the 1st time!
- RT @txpolitics Peeps you can believe in: Obama rally recreated with marshmallow rabbits. http://tinyurl.com/dmjgcf
- #scijourn What journalists don't get: I want the name of the P.I. and pub data of the paper. Is that so hard? Aargh! eg: http://is.gd/qa1G
- Denialist site claims only 11% of Czech citizens "believe in" anthropogenic global warming among other depressing items. http://is.gd/q9SR
- RT @danwhnt #climatechange DesmogBlog FOIA query on the mysterious Deep Space Climate Observatory, or rather lack of one: http://bit.ly/bbeC
- RT @david_h_roberts Enormous, far-reaching, potentially economy-reshaping energy/climate bill unveiled today in the House ... media yawns.
- "The permafrost is melting fast all over the Arctic, lakes are forming everywhere and methane is bubbling up out of them." http://is.gd/pWu2
- @revkin, please face up to the fact that whether science can influence policy or not depends to a significant extent on @revkin
- @david_h_roberts : The magic wand for biofuels is giving up beef, but substantial biofuel now possible on marginal land where h2o plentiful.
- @gfriend notes NYTimes 1999 celebrated "new era on Wall Street" http://bit.ly/1nv8lD Reminds me of recent crustacean news http://is.gd/pMuj
- Attributed to one of the SBOE creationsists by an eyewitness "If I don't understand it, it's not science". Hope that's on the audio record.
- Texas SBOE evolution fiasco reporting by Tony Whitson, including links to audio of McLeroy's testimony: http://curricublog.wordpres...
- BoraZ has a big #scijourn summary post; I don't plan to read before composing my own. But probably it's very good. http://tinyurl.com/djbb8w
- Oil imports by country: http://is.gd/pIAR Striking graph. Many other interesting statistics linked at indexmundi.com . h/t James Annan
- RT @thingsbreak NAS summit "America's Climate Choices" webcast: http://bit.ly/wobZH ; Things is tweeting as it goes along. Thanks!
- @dcarli # climatetoons http://is.gd/pzDv http://is.gd/pzE0 http://is.gd/pzEm and my all time favorite http://is.gd/pzF7
- RT @ianfoster Sharon Bigley quoting Nate Lewis in Newsweek -- we need massive energy R&D to become carbon neutral -- http://bit.ly/iyTMo
- OK just one more: http://is.gd/jiKz #replaceniks
- I ask the internet to kindly stop being so interesting for a week or two. An interesting take on civil disobedience: http://is.gd/oV8K
- Very interesting and exemplary RT @BoraZ Wow! How science (education) works: http://tinyurl.com/dg6vz2
- A treasure trove of climate denialism: http://is.gd/pwWh I feel like the walrus and carpenter contemplating sweeping sand off the beach.
- @kdaustin thanks for this: http://is.gd/pslu . As recompense, you may enjoy the picture.
- RT @BadAstronomer Texas creationism wrapup. Condition: doomed. Me: Unhappy. Very, very unhappy. http://is.gd/pr7j
- RT @hausfath on candles: http://tinyurl.com/de2slx ; Zeke, did you account for extraction and refining costs? "Show us the code".
- RT @kdaustin Fargo rejected govt flood control. "We don't need government screwing things up." Parable for climate change? http://is.gd/pqOw
- Earth Hour irony (h/t Aaron Lav):most candles are paraffin, made from coal. Small amounts, but emblem of green casual relationship to facts?
- biofuels tweets aggregated at #biofuelhashtags ; Scary story about corn ethanol fuel and antibiotic resistance here: http://is.gd/pqDw
- Professor Andrew Weaver: Will Environmentalists Stand With Science? http://tinyurl.com/dnd5ea
- #scijourn Andrew Sun on scientists standing up for ourselves instead of talking through journalists. "Otherwise shits happen." www.➡.ws/
- "No one is interested in science except scientists. Improvement [shouldn't] present...frontier research. no media [do it right] www.➡.ws/
- @statesman , also, could somebody please capture the shark that Kelso jumped and sic it on him, please?
- learned in #replacenik exercise: I'd subscribe RSS feed of articles by #Austin @Statesman staff or visit a portal. Present homepage useless.
- Courtesy @thingsbreak here's an odd piece, the FT from 11 years hence echoing @rushkoff http://ft2020.com/growth/ (see http://ft2020.com )
- RT @nabicht LMAO at youtube video "Hey Paul Krugman" http://tinyurl.com/cuz6jh
- Final vote on whole package is tomorrow if I understand right. #tx #sboe http://is.gd/p9q8
- Amendment: students asked to evaluate differing views on the *existence* of global warming. Passed if I understand right. http://is.gd/p9x2
- Cancel huge victory party. "members turned around and threw open all the windows to pseudoscientific nonsense" http://is.gd/p9q8
- RT @thingsbreak "This is a huge victory for sound science education in Texas." Creationist motion defeated. http://is.gd/p5S3 Hook 'em!
- RT @delayoscillator Every geoscientist should also learn to roll their own code, http://tinyurl.com/d3x66u
- We got some needed rain in central Austin; storm was severe in northern burbs. Baseball sized hail. Dry south of Lake Lady Bird. No twister.
- Texas textbook vote is tomorrow, not today. Final testimony was today. Sorry for the error. ( sboe Texas creationism ) http://is.gd/oZqu
- While creationism in Texas textbooks is debated in a close vote, Austin under tornado watch. Interesting tornado scenarios can be imagined.
- Texas Freedom Network live-blogs TX state board of ed textbook standards hearing today: http://tfnblog.wordpress.com creationism sboe
- Texas State Board of Education fight over creationism in curriculum: http://is.gd/oxuO . Last round, back story, chez moi: http://is.gd/oPPM
- It's like Google didn't know any coders. No this is NOT the information I wanted. I wanted to find the 'off' switch. http://is.gd/oN0l
- Is the total mass imported onto Manhattan island tectonically significant?
- Just added myself to the http://wefollow.com twitter directory under: #sustainability #science #blogger
- Is money itself a Ponzi scheme? Is there a way to fix it? http://is.gd/oqin
- Google turns up much pro- @rushkoff stuff not much anti. R argues all bank money ponzi. Brash, scaring conservatives away? Where's rebuttal?
- Is money itself a Ponzi scheme? Seeking counterarguments to Rushkoff's view at http://is.gd/nA4s
- Being followed by fake Tim @timothingy not as good as being followed by real Tim, but cool anyway.
- #climatechange eternal http://tinyurl.com/d27rz3 [pdf]
- @david_h_roberts Like the layout, fonts, clean look. Don't think those are the right colors for you. What are you, a bank? Lose those blues.
- @cshirky Web CAN'T replace print function? Web CAN destroy print business? 2 camps each believed one of these, but both are true. (hth ☺)
- Ideas about the future of journalism: http://is.gd/oblK
- What if there had never been a Montreal Protocol on CFCs? http://is.gd/ocTF h/t @enviroknow
- @BoraZ points to an excellent #scijourn item of his from a few months back http://tinyurl.com/c8ohr2
- RT @azaaza An infographic retelling of Little Red Ridinghood. http://is.gd/o27M
- science blogs provide a third way, neither conventional journalism of political hockey game nor blind advocacy: http://is.gd/o1Sr #scijourn
- Nice to see burst of interest in science journalism . Propose tag #scijourn
- Science is not economically important to software vendors or developers. Consequence is bad scientific software. http://is.gd/o216
- RT @jayrosen_nyu More journalists are blogging. But skeptics ask: can a few corporate newsies *replace* what hundreds of indy bloggers do?
- Using journalism to argue dishonestly: http://is.gd/nWHZ
- 12 reasons climate change denial is still thriving: http://is.gd/nWyx
- "if your firm ... bankrupt and costs taxpayers tens ... of billions of dollars, you don't get any bonuses" unclear to Wash Post www.➡.ws/ï¾¾⡟
- "It's always important to know how much "f**k-up" slack you have in any system in which you have a role." via @pkedrosky at www.ta.gd/
- RT @WWF_Climate Climate scientists are still very worried that we don't see the urgency http://cli.gs/9L4RJu
- @BoraZ asks for feedback on http://bit.ly/oBU07 ; I think it's very nice, especially the last part about science journalism. Useful too. +1
- @MaryAnneDavis Happy trails! Stay in touch.
- NYTimes headline at http://is.gd/nqYj like saying "Dentist urges immediate oral surgery, plasma TV salesman says no hurry on dental work."
- great analog geek art http://vimeo.com/3001833
- #smfs +1 Emily Gertz editor of globalwarming.change.org Straight talk : where are the lolcats of global warming. We need humor too.
- #smfs ayn rand ??? Give us a break. Without collective and global action we cant possibly hit the right scale
- Playing hooky from day job for #smfs
- @altepper you miss this. Friends versus Followers: Twitter’s elegant design for grouping contacts http://tinyurl.com/c94umt h/t @timoreilly
- Kunstler: skyscrapers unsustainable http://is.gd/nzRF but Glaeser: skyscrapers green http://is.gd/mH3c . No answer without arithmetic.
- #sxswbp "reverse panel" oddness on my blog: http://is.gd/nvbg #sxsw Does Twitter alter events in real time like this regularly?
- @kirbiglione #sxswbp That wouldn't really account for them talking about themselves for over a half hour, would it?
- RT @kirkbiglione problem: differing expectations. Audience expected normal SXSW panel. Panel expected free consulting from audience. #sxswbp
- Book writing like driving an ammo truck; can't pull over. Shirky defends long form writing. #sxswbp
- #sxswbp Curate curate curate. Does that mean edit? What's the difference?
- metajournalism firehose h/t @BoraZ : http://journalismnews.org/
- The thing is, I like journalists. I am just jealous.
- RT @AlexSteffen“We have an economy where we steal the future, sell it in the present, and call it GDP" - Paul Hawken
- RT @jayrosen_nyu Frame:Ax-grinding, blinder-wearing, cause-supporting,...partisan silencers vs. neutral fact-finding pro reporters.Toughie.
- RT @bruces #sxsw "It's like the 1920s -- if you can write, produce, act, direct, you're faster, cheaper, more effective."
- #sxsw otoh lessig kicks butt
- She read post about being bored by a foot fetishist. Meta-boring. Intro said her "1-track mind" 24th most influential blog in world. {sigh}
- #sxsw day stage schedule turns out fictitious.went 4 "impress donors w video".got "diary of a sex fiend" blog lady.
- Society doesn’t need newspapers. What we need is journalism...journalism will be made up of overlapping special cases. www.ta.gd/shirky
- Why do the animations make this story easier to follow? http://vimeo.com/3261363
- www.✩.ws/whyamiat #sxswi ?
- @jayrosen_nyu This article of mine www.➡.ws/줵鯊 reminded someone of you. Relevant Danish clim mtg reporting www.➡.ws/ã°» & Revkin on Gore/Will
- How the climate debate works: http://is.gd/n6Rs
- RT @thingsbreak Where is the US coverage of Climate Congress: http://bit.ly/jCjgX? Not @ Dot Earth which has 2 pieces on Heartland fake IPCC
- Remember this? How media bias the climate change discourse: http://www.fair.org/index.p...
- Eliz.Kolbert: media has contributed to the [climate] problem because it’s not the lead story of the paper every day. excellent: www.➡.ws/ḩ≡
- RT @jayrosen_nyu People WANT to get it. (Get it?) They devour This American Life when it explains the banking crisis. http://bit.ly/BZCU5
- Who decides what is influential? Why should it be a service of the NYTimes? eg http://is.gd/mYBM "Some sites excluded for technical reasons"
- @thingsbreak thanks. A multidimensional money idea again. (Did you ever play "Careers"?) Alas. Money wants to be one-dimensional.
- Dang, this #etech thing sounds good. Wish I could be there. Looking forward to sxswi though.
- How I became the target of the day for Fox News' Glenn Beck: http://is.gd/lVqE
- RT @timoreilly : @AlexSteffen: "The poor's job is to get rich. Our job is to reinvent what rich means." Nice.
- Now I'm the lead story on RealClimate, and they made me young again, too! http://is.gd/mCnT
- RT @carlmalamud Please join me at 12 PST on twitter for Rally for the Public Domain. Short speech plus interactive #YesWeScan h/t @mkapor
- Whoa, Wolfram sticks his neck out! http://tinyurl.com/cl8vk6 ( h/t @dweinberger )
- @bruces My preference: the "Great Unwinding" already in common use. I also like Eliza Gilkyson's "Great Correction", see http://is.gd/mp4m
- RT @arthursmith- my take on the Tobis - Pielke, Revkin, Morano, Beck story: http://tinyurl.com/bnny4k
- RT @timoreilly Daily routines: How writers, artists, and other interesting people organize their days http://bit.ly/VGkrZ h/t howtoons' nick
- @buckyfuller tweetstream +1 . Keep it going please and thanks!
- Seven great quotes from Carl Sagan: http://is.gd/m7er
- RT @Tokyo_Tom Asking at MasterResource why "skeptic" scientists think it is "conservative" to down-peddle climate risks http://ff.im/-1ncQU
- imbroglio, contretemps, the Europeans have such nice names for it
- Irene: "a toast to you and to things that are not obviously false". See http://is.gd/lVqE
- @mariondelgado thanks for the RT from Stoat; could you point out where you found it? ... People have been very kind to me today. Thanks all!
- @PA32R it's serious enough but that doesn't mean it isn't funny.
- I am so hosed. http://tinyurl.com/bulhlu . Totally out of context of course.
- @PA32R re:blogstorm. I'm pretty sure I didn't start it. I hope it isn't the end of me... http://is.gd/lHSV
- Newsday paywall idea http://is.gd/lvgi reminds me of philosophers going on strike in HHGTG: "And whom, exactly, will that inconvenience?"
- Excellent pop science video from Peter Sinclair, http://is.gd/lncL ; a good example is http://is.gd/lnd7
- Arctic sea ice will probably not recover. Are we having fun yet? http://tinyurl.com/ad8mrz
- Retweet (wow) @statesman @Austinweather Austin hits 90, sets record http://budurl.com/xemp
- No-brainer AFAIC. RT @dweinberger Ask Congress to post bills so we can read 'em: http://ReadTheBill.org
- Whatever happened to pistachio ice cream?
- @dotearth on George Will's WaPo climate rant worse than Will's comment in the first place. Revkin knows better. My take: http://is.gd/kRRu
- Discussion in fancy hoboken bistro w Paul Baer re what integrated assessment model should be once it's agreed mainstream economics is wrong
- twitter.com/noinclude/oscar doesn't seem to work right
- TSA confiscates > 3oz gel but smallest toothpaste at the store 4oz. Coincidence? And who gets all that extra toothpaste anyway?
- Aargh. Missed Leonard Cohen when in Montreal and again in NYC! Still, I saw Will Taylor do maybe the best Cohen show ever in Marble Falls TX
- I'm going to get a business card for my blogging identity; it opens far more doors than my scientist identity does. http://is.gd/kcqc
- @boraz rocks! Great presentation at Columbia re open science.
- Waiting an extra 3 hrs at austin airport due to weather in nj; seems like a week
- RT @dweinberger Oppose the killing of the NIH open access provisions? Contact Congresscritters: http://tinyurl.com/bkq757 Now is the time!
- RT @algore (!) Check out Daily Climate http://tinyurl.com/aaglb8
- RT @hausfath The economic consensus on climate change? http://tinyurl.com/cx64o6
- Don't define yourself. The more labels you have for yourself, the dumber they make you. Paul Graham explains: http://is.gd/iMyY
- That certain #austin je-ne-sais-quoi: http://is.gd/jDts
- (Yet another @timoreilly retweet; maybe I should have a bot just echo him.) Anyway http://is.gd/jxRg .
- FDA approves new depressant (Flash video): http://is.gd/jdWH
- auspicious weekend; darwin & lincoln's 200th; 1234567890 day http://is.gd/irxa ; moon in 7th house, jupiter aligned w mars http://is.gd/jut0
- RT @timoreilly : Japanese official: I thought America had studied Japan’s failures. Why is it making the same mistakes? http://bit.ly/1590q9...
- RT @plos : Help stop the reversal of the NIH public access mandate. http://tinyurl.com/bjb2pg
- dorkbot 19 tonight in #austin http://tinyurl.com/bl7s98
- There may be a bunch of 5H1TP1LE5, but there's only one FAN.
- @larrybrilliant : wood is a biofuel; harvested sustainably would be C neutral. 300 Kg wood vs US per cap*yr 6 tons fossil C = no big deal
- if you prefer,
Python: Elegance taming complexity. - "Elegance tames complexity"
- @dweinberger: your tinyurl fails. Fourier transform an audio signal and get back an amplitude for each pure tone; no information is lost.
- @rljacob what are you proposing to do?
- "The ethic of the link" (Jay Rosen) http://is.gd/1giX h/t @BoraZ .
- Douglas Rushkoff's brilliant mass-media-centric analysis of society's growth addiction & why its crumbling now: http://is.gd/iM94
- This "nearbytweets" thing has turned out useful on the first try: http://nearbytweets.com/
- ++ The ironic backwardness of science: http://tinyurl.com/6b9bmn
- @mariondelgado on another topic do you have a link to that RFK speech, or at least some keywords? Interested.
- Irene: "Information wants to be wrong."
- RT @ianbicking Activist (or know one)? Fill out this survey please; maybe (he will) get to work on what you describe: http://bit.ly/gSd
- RT @altepper and @ooffoo Is reuse good for the economy? vote & discuss: http://tinyurl.com/b549x7 - please RT & spread the ooffoo love
- This is not a "recession". Further evidence: an argument in favor of "red Toryism": http://tinyurl.com/c3aptl (h/t Bruno)
- @jfleck an elephant story for you here: http://tinyurl.com/48rcok
- @altepper I don't think #reuse contributes to GDP compared to waste: http://tinyurl.com/d6smvk ; more evidence GDP counts the wrong thing
- I know people are looking for inspiration or chuckles, but I wish you knew about this bad news w/o my help: http://tinyurl.com/c5f2nb
- Struggling with Canadian passport regulations. Never was very comfortable with authorities asking for "papers" for some reason.
- @mariondelgado What I mean by "linear programming" = what economists do: http://is.gd/hlLC . No relationship with Civ games or Python afaik.
- Better late than never, learning to use SIGALRM and SIGINT from C & Python. And how long have I not known about the "commands" module?
- oops s/\//\/\// if you know what I mean.
- Sharing vs growth macroeconomics blogged on "In It" : http://is.gd/h5xI . H/T @timoreilly and http:/lendaround.com
- @rljacob Welcome to twitter, where character counts but characters count.
- @StatesmanEDU http://tinyurl.com/aafecr
- @StatesmanEDU don't miss the nytimes story. It's national news like I said
- preparing to meet supervisee; a CS grad student from India
- finally found a Statesman story no thanks to the search box. H/T TFN. http://is.gd/gHnE Schafersman misquoted? Else no great ally.
- @StatesmanEDU Texas Freedom Network says Sen. Ellis filed bill stripping the SBOE of authority re: curriculum. Status? http://is.gd/gJBZ
- @StatesmanEDU My blogs on the subject: http://is.gd/gJyz http://is.gd/gJzg http://is.gd/gJzJ
- @StatesmanEDU Absolutely, front page stuff. If creationists win this will be a national story. Look into the similar Kansas story.
- @statesmanEDU various circles I move in are quite worked up about this story. It needs to be front page stuff.
- @statesmanEDU thanks! Do you want followers? I have been blogging about the SBOE thing and can mention you.
- quote from last night's party: "now, kids, gather up some sticks and we'll make an effigy of Dick Cheney that we can throw on the fire, OK?"
- @davewiner if extraterrestrials are your rebuttal to religion, you're not done. life may be very rare in the universe: http://is.gd/gFJn
- Is there a reasonably clear and complete guide to handling multiple #python instances (major versions) on one machine? Anyone?
- Answers for problems we don't have: http://tinyurl.com/a4p24r
- @jfleck in re elephant problem; micropayments. If there us no "paper" in Seattle people will pay a dime for news. http://tipjoy.com/
- Having a burst of creativity, thanks to Microsoft (TM) brand software: http://tinyurl.com/6uwq2g
- -3F in Chicago now, expected high -1F. As good a time as any to make an Al Gore joke if you've got one. So: http://tinyurl.com/8zlucf
- To the law, its hard to tell science from centuries-old fairy tales intended to keep kids safe indoors at night. http://tinyurl.com/764k2y
- finding words and music to "Texas, Our Texas"
- Science isn't cool anymore. We need to rethink our PR. http://tinyurl.com/9xhc2w
- See that tiny "warning" there? Don't sign in to fake Twitter.com from a "DM" = direct message. Slashdot has more: http://tinyurl.com/6sv7au
- the Hourieh book says "maxlength", django says "max_length", let's call the whole thing off...
- http://is.gd/cJ3F : How many books should a person keep? I have cut back but there are still about 150 shelf-feet not counting comix.
- bureaucratic overhead
- @BoraZ count me in: http://tinyurl.com/4t2tjc
- more comparative computer languages: http://tinyurl.com/fexnr
- @jfleck peer reviewed papers add no value; they simply certify that people see value in the work. Real communication of results is personal.
- Wondering how many other people actually got a match twixt code language and religion: http://tinyurl.com/67tpdf
- @PA32R I welcome raves or counter-rants
- Trying to get sphinx + matplotlib math notation working. http://is.gd/c9sk
- See http://preview.tinyurl.com/... then google "global warming consensus" = Scary. Discussion? http://tinyurl.com/googlebo...
- $1.39; Shell station on S. Lamar.
- Bushies still hiring GOP hacks to manage real scientists: http://www.truthout.org/112...
- selling my pittance of a position. cash is king.
- graham cracker crust
- paying flood insurance... FEMA reviews its flood plains; suddenly puts my house in 100 yr zone house across street not in 500 yr zone ouch.
- Slide show on home page at http://www.huffingtonpost.com is very moving. See it while you can.
- losing my mind... must have put it around here someplace...
- My wishing real hard has moved Texas out of the hopeless category. My work is done...
- Not about to waste too much time today; I feel that all my pointless fretting about the election over the last 2 weeks hasn't been in vain.
- hey John
- Texas is pink! http://www.electoral-vote.com/
- being too old for this sort of thing
Saturday, September 05, 2009
All my 750 tweets
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